Hey all,
Today we're releasing version 2.0 of LONET Server. This marks the first major version release since it's initial release in 2020, and adds a number of stability and quality of life improvements.

The interface is extremely different, and provides much more information at a glance. Compared to LONET 1, LONET 2 offers:
- User definable fixed output rate (1-1000hz)
- User definable cameras
- Settings saving/loading
- Multiple LONET/OSC node output support
- Lens mapping integrated in software
- Indiemark stability improvements
LONET Server 2 also marks the release of a new protocol, LONET 2. Compared to version 1, LONET 2 is a far simpler JSON-over-UDP protocol. The full spec of LONET2 is still being finalized, but will of course be made open source and available to all. A new version of the Unreal plugin has been released to be compatible.

At this point, the following features are not yet implemented, but will be soon:
- Free-D output
- Remote zeroing
- Knock filter
Post any questions or bugs here!